
Showing posts from July, 2008

Nintendo DS Games for Reinforcement

Sometimes in our quest to give our children the highest educational standards possible, we overlook really simple ways for the kids to drill that they will enjoy. My daughters of Nintendo DS systems and I've looked through the catalog of games and found a few that will end some of my frustration, while giving them the practice they need to reach proficiency in spelling and math. One of the game was an instant hit with the adult population, but also has great games for the kids. It's called Brain Age. Here's the blurb from the box: "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day for Nintendo DS is a fun, rewarding form of entertainment everyone can enjoy, as it helps players flex their mental muscles. Brain Age is inspired by the research of Professor Ryuta Kawashima, a prominent Japanese neuroscientist. His studies evaluated the impact of performing certain reading and mathematics exercises to help stimulate the brain." Another great game is Big Brain Academy...