
Homeschoolers Unite to Share Resources

Hi All, We're working to create a list of as many home school co-ops and groups (nationwide) as we can find. Our purpose is to make it easier for homeschooling families to connect with others with whom to share the journey!  If you know of a great group that could use promotion, please forward it to .  This listing is a free service that would be publicly posted on our new website.  Please include (as much info as possible): Co-op Name State Address Co-op Approach (e.g. Christian, Catholic, Minority/Culturally-based, Pedogogy based, Unschool, STEM, etc.) Ages/Grades Served Contact Name Phone and/or Email Website/Facebook/Yahoo site address Short Description that defines your purpose or approach Thanks, in advance, for your assistance, Deb

A Divorce Is Announced

According to , the word “divorce” can mean a few things. Of course the dissolution of a marriage between husband and wife is the first to come to mind. But in my case, Definition #6 works best: to separate; cut off. Yep, that’s exactly what’s going on with me and the “Big Guy.” When you’ve been wronged, as I have been, sometimes there is just no going back. Last year I purchased a copy of Microsoft Small Business Office 2007. I used one of the many OEM companies so that I could save some money on my purchase. I got my License Key and Product Number. The installation went great. And although the interface was different from Office 2003, I got used to it, and even began to like it. Everything was going smoothly … until my computer needed to be have the hard drive wiped clean and have everything reinstalled. I thought that I had all the bases covered. I checked my Microsoft Office information that I had and copied down the serial numbers that I had been given at the tim...

The New School Year Giveaway

Has the new school year started with gusto at your house? Or guesses? “I guess we’ll use this curriculum. I guess we’ll start on Monday. I guess we’ll use this folder, and I guess we could try unit studies this year.” Does any of this sound familiar? Time for a change? Get ready to plan a year of enthusiastic homeschool learning with consistent input from the Lord! Take the guesswork out of your planning, systematically organizing your homeschool this year with the E-Book: The New School Year: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine offers The New School Year . . . FREE! Now’s a good time—get your free E-Book!

A Great Deal Ends Tonight at Midnight

How would you like to get 4 issues of a magazine for the price of 1? That's what it is like when you order a one-year print subscription to The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine (US only). Use coupon code FB795 before midnight PST September 22, and  you'll receive a full year for only $7.95. Get a full year of homeschooling encouragement, advice, and ideas. Remember use C oupon Code FB795 . This is also a great time to buy a gift for a friend. But, this offer ends tonight at midnight PST--September 22.

Close Encounters of the Third Grade Kind: Thoughts on Teacherhood

If you're looking for some light, but entertaining reading then you've come to the right place. Mr. Philip Done does an excellent job of describing the trials and titillations of educating third graders in the public forum.  Being a school teacher definitely is not for the faint of heart (or stomach!) The author has done an excellent job of evoking word pictures to make you laugh and begin your memories of being a third grader again. I had forgotten about the "invisible" balls that we would toss back and forth at recess. And his vivid portrayal of a third grade boy stirs memories of why I despised them so much when I was in the third grade -- arm farts, bad, bad jokes about bodily functions and the need to stick things up their nose during lunchtime, just to name a few.  And to think we grow up to marry these "interesting" boys later on in life -- go figure! One thing that I really enjoyed about the book is its layout. For example, the chapters are ...

Fit Factor for Kids

Raising healthy and athletic kids can be challenging in this age of computers, television and video games. Coupled with busy extracurricular activities, daily exercise is easily lost in the mix. So, what's the answer? Make sure that you kids get a dose of Fit Factor each day. What is Fit Factor? It's a DVD concept hosted by two accomplished young people, Lizzy (15 years old) and Dean (12 old). The exercises are broken into ten minute segments which makes it great for my family of homeschoolers. Although my girls are in dance class and do go outside to play, with winter coming there's not a lot of formal exercise going on at home. We've tried my yoga DVDs, but the adult formats can be a bit much for their attention span and my patience.  Yoga's supposed to be relaxing and not peppered with: "Move over." "Give Jade more space."  "Move over and give Alaya more space" "Michael stop climbing on me!" While breakfast is bei...

The New School Year: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps

Hi everyone. The Old Schoolhouse is a offering this free ebook as a source of encouragement to homeschooling families. Written by a veteran homeschooler it addresses "curriculum confusion", self-doubt and the myriad of other emotions most of us go through each school year. I don't know how long it's going to be available, so you should grab it as soon as possible. Here's the link: The New School Year ( )