Fit Factor for Kids

Raising healthy and athletic kids can be challenging in this age of computers, television and video games. Coupled with busy extracurricular activities, daily exercise is easily lost in the mix. So, what's the answer? Make sure that you kids get a dose of Fit Factor each day.

What is Fit Factor? It's a DVD concept hosted by two accomplished young people, Lizzy (15 years old) and Dean (12 old). The exercises are broken into ten minute segments which makes it great for my family of homeschoolers. Although my girls are in dance class and do go outside to play, with winter coming there's not a lot of formal exercise going on at home. We've tried my yoga DVDs, but the adult formats can be a bit much for their attention span and my patience.  Yoga's supposed to be relaxing and not peppered with:
  • "Move over."
  • "Give Jade more space." 
  • "Move over and give Alaya more space"
  • "Michael stop climbing on me!"
While breakfast is being prepared the kids can enjoy a stint of "Animal Crackers."  The exercises are based upon mimicking animal movements to a nice musical background. My two-year old was entranced and participated the entire time. In a few more days he'll be an excellent kangaroo. He's already an accomplished monkey. The exercises don't require a lot of extra space, so the whole family can participate without looking like a bad Three Stooges movie.

I really like the ability to break down their workout in ten minutes increments. I'm going to see how this one works, but I'm planning on breaking up the school day with the "Fit Factor for Kids" exercises. My children are physically active learners and would really benefit after a session of sitting and writing with some structured bouncing around. It will also allow my little one some more fun time with his sisters during their school day.

And best of all, for me at least, is that this will get me moving as well.  Besides teaching I do a lot of computer work which consists, obviously, of a lot of sitting, which isn't the best for a healthy back and body. So now, I'll just workout with them, burn some calories and get rejuvenated for the next lesson.  The music is fun and original (at least I didn't recognize any of the songs!) The exercises are invigorating without being too difficult. And their supporting cast of Fit Factor kids are really demonstrate that these workouts are for children of all ages.

My Peanut Gallery
  • The workouts are a lot of fun. 
  • We really like the healthy eating/living tips at the end of some of the routines.  
  • Does Daddy know that each eight ounce can of soda contains eight tablespoons of sugar?! Yuck!
  • We have to pick better things to drink during the day
  • Video games should only be played during car rides and at night when it is too dark to play outside. (Moms Comment: Thanks Lizzy -- they believed you much better than me on this one!)

There is one downside of the DVD -- I will now have to listen to Jade & Alaya fight over which exercise routine to do while I'm making breakfast.  But come to think of it, it won't be so bad because while they're squabbling Michael will grab the remote and put on the one he wants to see.  Okay, so there's no downside to "The Fit Factor Kids."

You can learn more about Fit Factor Kids by visiting their website at They have sample videos, information about the hosts and cast as well as a newsletter that you can sign up for updates and other info.


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