Chapter 2: Desire

I never realized, until this week, why I am not in a better financial position. But when I read Chapter 2 the answer smacked me in the head with the force of Mt. Vesuvius' explosion. Financially I live in what I now call "survival mode" because that's what I asked for long ago. I have unwittingly set myself to always struggle with money.

On the other hand, my "twin" (actually my neice but we're a month apart in age and extremely close) has always had the mindset that she's going to be rich and she's going to have things. And she does. She has investment property, her own cleaning company, is a realtor and works a regular 9-5. But she does all of that because she was determined to prove the negative people in our family to be liars about her abilities and ideas. And she has proved it not only to herself, but to the naysayers as well. And the only difference in our situations is that she had a goal and I just wanted to survive.

What led me to this ephiphany was the resistant feeling that I got while reading about creating a Desire for wealth and riches. So, I re-read the paragraphs again. And again. Then, finally I heard myself saying, "I just want enough money so that I can stay home with my children." And that was the moment that opened my eyes. I had only asked for enough to survive, never enough to thrive and explore. As I assimilated that thought I was freed from one small portion of my unconcious self-imprisonment.

Before reading this chapter, I have always said that I wanted enough money so that I can stay home with my children. And, I have always received just enough money to stay home with the kids and pay the monthly bills. And that's it. I was truly a living example of the poem that is within Chapter 2 -- "I bargained with life for a penny and life would pay me no more."

So, what do I do with myself now? It's time to flip the script and redefine my financial goals in life. As an appointment setter, I once earned $7,500 for one month's worth of work. Why? Because I had promised my daughters a Dollhouse bunkbed which was expensive and a wooden floor to make cleaning easier and I wasn't about to break a promise.

And I am not going to break a promise to myself. I promise that I will not settle for less than $7,500/mo. in my life. I want to enjoy life with my family, allow them to travel and experience different cultures while they are still young enough and open enough to marvel at the many ways people live. I want my husband to stop having to commute across two states to keep us housed and fed. I want to be able to indulge others with unexpected gifts without worrying about making the next set of bills. I want a life that is defined by my dreams, and not by my bills. And I'm going to get it!

Chapter 2 has been a revelation for me. I still have a lot of self-evaluation to do within myself on this subject, but I am already one step closer to achieving the lifestyle that I want for myself and my family. Now my journey truly begins.

Although I had read through it on my own, since I started attending the Mental Cleanse classes I have learned how to read it with a stronger sense of purpose. Thank you.


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