Grapevine Studies -- Serving Him With Stick Figures

Grapevine Studies is a wonderful and creative way to teach children (and adults!) about the Bible. I was raised in a strict religion that included reading through the Bible once a year with weekly assignments, I can say without a doubt that this is WAAAAY more fun! (Sorry Mom!)

When I received the ebook I was shocked at the size of the Teacher's Manual. I expected a couple of pages, maybe thirty pages on the outside.  Nope. Not even close. The wonderful creators of this curriculum have left nothing to chance. Even if you have never read the Bible before, you'll be able to teach your children with the help of the 322 page instructional book. (And that's no typo!)

Even if you are a biblical expert, the Teacher's Manual has enormous value. Not only does it explain the way to use the program and the subject structure they also give you every illustration and every explanation to share with your children. I am not very confident in my art skills and the manual makes it possible for me to stop worrying about being an "artist" and just have fun with the subject at hand. I think the stick figure concept is brilliant. Even the worst artist can draw a circle (for the head) and straight lines. And if you're stuck for an idea for a particular passage, you can always refer to the manual to see what the author's concept is and provide a starting place for your own creativity.

The Peanut Gallery Says ... 

Alaya: "It's great because it's really fun. You can draw all different kinds of animals. It's really fun to learn the Bible this way."

Jade says: "It's okay. You get to draw pictures.  Drawing the pictures help me learn and remember the important things in the Bible like names and dates."

We are covering the Old Testament Levels 1-2 right now and I am really enjoying it.  I am able to do one lesson with both of them without any stress. Jade is 9 and Alaya is 6, but since we're using stick figures, everyone can join in (including Michael who is 2). At first I couldn't understand why we created the timeline before starting the actual Bible reading, and thought about not following the directions.  Boy, am I glad that I was faithful to the directions because once I got started it all became clear.  The timeline provides the framework and when we're filling in the details, the kids are understanding the bible reading and events much better. So "lean not upon your own understanding" and follow the directions -- no shortcuts.

A surprising benefit of this program for me is the way it sets the tone for a much more productive day. The subject matter plus the relaxing nature of the drawing just puts everyone in a better frame of mind. While the children are drawing we're having more intimate conversations on biblical  and everyday concerns. So it's proving to be an additional tool to create a close-knit family.

And In Conclusion ...

The cost for the hard cover editions are $45.95, while the ebooks are available at the low cost of $22.95. The great thing about having the ebook is that you don't have to print all of the pages at one time. When I teach my girls, I have the Teacher's Manual open on the computer and give the girls the pages for the lessons that we're working on. I use the large anti-rip oversized envelopes to help the girls keep track of their work. When we complete our studies I'll have them bound at OfficeMax so that they'll have a record of their spiritual journey.

I'm looking forward to completing the Old Testament and journeying into the New Testament. Grapevine Studies has provided a wonderful product that addresses art, literature, history and biblical studies all in one. It's been an enjoyable experience for all of us and has enhanced our more "hum-drum" bible readings and studies immensely.

And best of all Grapevine Studies is offering a 30% discount to all of our readers. This discount ends September 30th. So, pick out the books of your choice and add the code "crew9" to the coupon line.

Oh, I almost forgot -- you can get free samples by visiting their website at to get a sneak peek at the treasures inside. And remember the coupon expires on September 30th, so don't miss it!


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