Belated Introduction

Hi. My name is Cheryl and I am one of the many moms who work from home. I'm also one of those brave souls that educate their children at home and still manage not to pull all of their hair out of their heads. I have one husband, three children, one dog, cat and a couple of fish to round out the group. My dog is neurotic, my cat thinks she's a dog and life is very interesting on this side of the world.

Actually, I think my husband is the bravest (or kookiest) because he willingly commutes across two states to keep us in food and shelter. I like to tease him when he gets home and enters the madness of children fighting over shadows, dogs chasing cats and our little son sticking his head into things that no person should willingly place their heads. You know, he was in the land of grownups and willingly returned to the chaos that is our home. He claims we're more fun, but sometimes I wonder about the state of his sanity. LOL!

My golden retriever is the only dog that raises your blood pressure as you pet her. She is so needy. I received her from another family and I don't know how they raised her as a puppy, but she definitely has more than her fair share of issues. She is constantly needy. Sometimes I think she'd be better off with someone older who is housebound and wanting companionship. She requires 22.5 hours of petting per day and sulks when she doesn't get it. She's also perpetually starving (or so she thinks). Her latest bizarre behavior involves eating the cat feces from the litter box. So, if there are any P-sychiatrist (we just got finished watching Animaniacs and I couldn't resist) out there for dogs, please give me a shout.

On the positive side, my golden lady is excellent with the children and very protective of them against strangers. Granted, if pressed she'd probably hide behind the children if the bad guys were after them, but she puts up a brave front long enough to give you a chance to call 911 or run. She's very sweet tempered and easy to manage. She's as sweet as Candy.

My daughter's cat, Skitty, thinks she's a dog. We got her as a young kitten and she spent a lot of time emulating the other four legged creature. It's fun watching her swat Candy's tail. Every morning we watch the "Candy and Skitty Show" where the cat and dog chase each other through the house. Skitty displays her full range of feline agility and acrobatic talents during these shows. Now my youngest daughter is requesting a gerbil. I think she wants to be a vet or a zoo keeper. We've been going deaf whenever that conversation comes up.


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