Public Service Announcement: Write at Home Site

Just in from the front -- homefront that is. There's a new writing site available to homeschooled children. I've copied Melissa's original email announcing her site in its entirety. I look forward to reading the submissions from those homeschooled children out there! :-)

"Hi everyone,I've started an online literary journal just for
homeschool students. Write at Home will be published monthly on-line at We are currently
looking for submissions of poetry, short stories, and artwork from homeschool
students across the country (the world actually).I'm looking to launch the first
issue in January of 2008.While we will not be able to publish all submissions,
everyone who submitswill receive a response.

Please visit for
submissions guidelines.Feel free to forward this email to other lists that you
may be on. If you have any questions, please email me off-list at

Regards,Melissa Van Baast"


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