Mental Cleanse: Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind

I live with a shadow Cheryl. My shadow is someone who watches my actions and records my thoughts. My shadow knows what I want before I really know myself. And although my shadow has the gift of anonymity and stealth, I am gifted with the power of intent. You see, my shadow takes orders from me. Everything that I do or say; think or wish lays the foundation for its actions. It may think that it is randomly picking its course. My shadow may think that it is really the one running things, but it is not true.

Let me explain. You see, my shadow is my subconscious. It is powerful in the fact that it can lurk behind me and register information that I'm not even aware of in my day to day existence. It's a master collector and does its work automatically. Its other power stems from its ability to create whatever it perceives to be my most important goals. It works while I'm asleep and while I'm awake. It is a true multi-tasking engine. But what my subconscious doesn't have is an understanding of the things that it is collecting. It doesn't know if a gun is good or bad; only my conscious mind can place values on the things that I see and do. But it does register my emotional response to a gun and make its decisions or responses from there. So, it is quite important to be on my toes if I want to generate the right responses and achievements.

Regardless of the power that my subconscious holds on my life, my active conscious mind is the one that is in control. So, in order to keep myself on course to a brighter and more desirable way of life is to subtract the negatives and seek out the positives. Emotions are the catalyst that loads the subconscious mind for action. I must feed my subconscious such emotions as Love, Faith, Enthusiasm, Hope as well as Desire, Sex and Romance. These emotions are positive and extremely powerful. They provide the breeding ground for bountiful crops of goodness and fortune. However, if I allow myself to absorb the negative, destructive emotions such as Fear, Jealousy, Hatred, Revenge, Greed, Superstition and Anger my life will reflect that as well. This is the breeding ground for failure, health issues and poverty. I will not be another statistic because I know the truth. I control my destiny. I control my own mind. I set the programming for what I will achieve with the help of my very powerful subconscious.

Although the general public would almost to a man state that they want goodness and success, they feed their subconscious on a steady diet of fear, greed, superstition, prejudice, revenge and jealousy. They clamor to the television, movies, music and books that highlight adultery, lying, cheating, violence, and other horrors. I love music and song, but am constantly disappointed by the popular music that is played on the radio. It's so depressing. For everyone one hopeful and inspiring song there seems to be an endless stream of songs highlighting pain, revenge, disrespect and other non-virtues. No wonder so many people are living paycheck to paycheck and hand to mouth. How can you achieve better when the media continuously features the epitomes of dysfunctional behavior?

And even in religious life, you can see that many people don't understand the provision of prayer. Communing with the Infinite Intelligence requires trust and hope. We would discuss things in the planning stages and throughout our work, not just when everything falls apart. And as Mr. Hill mentions when people approach prayer at the endgame, it's a fearful and resigned effort. Their mouths may be pleading for success, but their very state of mind is programming their subconscious to ensure failure. This is one of the lessons that we must all keep in mind. Due to the dysfunctional way that most people use prayer, it is easy to fall into the unproductive habit of praying after the disaster has arrived.

My shadow Cheryl is being reprogrammed minute by minute whether I actively participate or not. Knowing this it is imperative that I remain in constant vigilance to throw out fear and drink in hope and faith. I must not let myself become complacent. On the contrary, now is the time to recite my motto, speak to people about ways to help benefit them and be a positive influence upon others. Living a positive life is the most valuable gift I can give to myself and my family. And shadow Cheryl is going to be my partner in making my section of the universe a better place.

Yours respectfully,



Cheryl Henderson-Khalid


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