Mental Cleanse – Chapter 11 - The Mystery of Sex Transmutation

I found this to be a very interesting chapter. Some of the information was new to me, but I was surprised how much I already knew, but had never put it all together. It has long been a custom for trainers to keep their athletes away from women, warning that engaging in sexual relations would weaken or dissipate their skills. However, I never made the connection between creativity and sexual energies. After reading this, it seems so obvious that in order to achieve our goals we need to demonstrate mastery over our minds and, in this case, our bodies.

As a mother, I know the power that emotions can have over you. The thought of anyone hurting one of my children gets my blood churning, ready for action. Our sexual nature works in the same way, but we have to 1) be cognizant that this energy can be utilized to create the secure financial future that we want and 2) to make a conscious effort to channel these feelings into areas that will make us successful.

There was an episode on the television show Heroes last year where there was a young man with the gift of precognition. However, because he experienced his first precognitive episode while under the influence of heroin, believes that he cannot achieve his visions any other way. As the series progresses, he is detoxified and learns that he can reach into himself and use this gift without the aid of the drugs. The same is true with us. Many people feel (or were taught to believe) that in order to be creative they need to turn to artificial stimulation such as drugs and alcohol. But we have been gifted with all that we need to tap into the Creative Mind. It is contained within our individual biology, if we would only take a moment to reflect and examine ourselves.

I think that the fact that God has given us each the power to transform our own lives into whatever shape we see fit to be awe-inspiring and more than a bit humbling. Religionists spend so much energy on trying to make their congregations and organizations conform, that they unintentionally (or intentionally) squeeze and hamper the very gift that our Creator bestowed upon us. Only when we take stock of ourselves and take an honest appraisal as to what we want and who we truly are, will we be able to grasp and use that potential.

It is interesting that most creative geniuses don't emerge until they are in the fourth or fifth decade of life. As Napoleon Hill notes, this is the time of life when most men stop chasing after sex and begin to put their energies and minds towards other things. Many times we hear the warnings against promiscuity, but it is solely concerned with the physical consequences of this misuse of sex. No one ever warns people about the damage "sowing wild oats" can do for your financial future. Perhaps if our power of sexual energy was equated to money, people would take better care of their physical assets. Mr. Hill also mentions that as sexual freedom grew after WWI, the scientific and cultural breakthroughs were affected inversely. The increased lack of sexual restraint seems to have put a strain on the creativity and inventive minds of many.

Love is such a powerful and transforming emotion. It can literally change one into a swan. People who are in love are easily picked out in a lineup. Their posture is different, their aura, if you will, is charged. Lao Tzu once wrote: "To love someone deeply gives you STRENGTH. Being loved by someone deeply gives you COURAGE." We will do things for the ones we love, what we would not do for ourselves. We will push ourselves to achieve if we know that our heart's partner is waiting. I think that it is important to also recognize that when we forget or take for granted the love of another person, we are not only hurting them, but also ourselves. Napoleon Hill illustrated this wonderfully by relating the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. When he chose to rid himself of Josephine, his empire perished. Love is something that is not to be taken lightly if we want to succeed in life. It should be nourished and treasured because it is both irreplaceable and vital to our existence.

When we funnel the positive energy from love and sex towards our goals, it will speed us on our way to success. My husband works in New York City and spends four days a week there. I have chosen to funnel my energies into learning more about the industry, myself and training myself to be a success. So, once the kids are asleep I'm either listening to The Mastermind Sessions with John Fogg, or catching up on the trainings at the Mentoring For Free site. These recorded calls, in addition to the regular training calls, have helped me to keep my eye on the prize, despite the everyday madness that I call my life. J

Respectfully yours,




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