Brendan Kizer’s Legacy

At the beginning of the year Jade and I wanted to do a fundraising project and were very happy when Agora decided to do a cyber-charter fundraiser for Alex's Lemonade Stand. Jade was quite touched by Alex's dedication and bravery to raise money for other children with cancer even as she was dying. So, this past summer we held a lemonade stand and were able to raise about $100 – not bad for a couple of novices, I guess.

Jade wanted to do more and so did I so we set up an online fundraising portal at in order to do this. To date this hasn't been much of a success, but I blame lack of experience on that. So, for I put this project on the back burner for a bit while I licked my wounded ego and tried to figure out a new strategy to contribute more to this charity.

Then, about a week ago, I picked up my local "Our Town" at our local library and started reading through it. I was touched by the tribute that Mrs. Kizer gave to the local community for helping her family to deal with the death of her 17 year old son who succumbed to childhood cancer. It called to mind the families that I knew of through professional connections or friends who have buried their children before the age of 21 due to the scourge of childhood cancer.

After I read the article I knew that my desire to raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand wasn't just a project to help my daughter to understand the importance of reaching out and helping others. I am trying to help find a cure so that no other parents have to endure the pain that the Kizer family has had to do.

I have copied the "thank you" from the Kizer family and I think that it will inspire you to reach out and help researchers to find treatments for childhood cancer. I also ask that you pass this link on to everyone that you know. If we all contribute just $1 we can make a difference in the lives of childhood cancer sufferers and their family.

A Tribute to All of the People Who Managed to Touch This Family's Heart in a Most Terrible Journey into the World of Childhood Cancer
Our Town Issue #36, Central Monroe Edition, November 8, 2008

"My family cannot express in mere words alone how much we have appreciated al of your support, your love and devotion in my family and our son, Brendan Kizer. When a tragedy such as this happens in your family you feel alone and lose faith in mankind. You spend many hours asking "why me and my family?" You just don' think it's fair and you want this terrible thing to go away and quickly.

My son Brendan Kizer, although young in age, somehow managed to touch so many people's lives in some way or the other. Even people that he had never met in person somehow they came in contact with his journey of cancer. I never imagined in all my life that I would meet such kind souls. There have been children of all ages to adults of all ages. People just came out of everywhere ready to help my family fight along with our son this terrible disease. The moral support, the financial support, the love and devotion that has overwhelmed our family goes without question. Sure we could say "thank you" but that would never express the love and the warmth of how each and every one of you in a positive way.

For those who knew my son – knew he was bigger than life itself. He was full of laughter and smiles even at the sickest points of his life. He knew he had a job to do in this life and even thought he would lose his life in the process he wanted to make sure that his death was not in vain. His one quest in life was to have many friends which indeed he did and the other quest was for people to be aware of Childhood Cancer. He knew that the trip to Maryland was a phase one trial drug, but he did not care. He said "Let's go for it!" He wanted so bad to be the one to find the cure. Well, he might not have found the cure, but he left behind an army of people who will now be aware of childhood cancer and who will fight to help find the cure for all of the other children still in the battle.

Having any child have to go through a journey such as cancer is unspeakable, unthinkable, and is the most hurtful thing you will have to ever endure as a parent. You as a parent have to remain strong. Even at that weakest times you carry the strength for you and the child to keep up the fight. And then the most horrific moment of your life comes when the child passes on. There is no greater hurt nor pain in the entire world. No parent should have to face this Cancer Monster at any given moment of their life.

So in conclusion, I not only want to thank each and every one of you, but I want you to continue his battle in his honor to help in any possible way to find the cure for Childhood Cancer.

The Kizer Family"

Contributions towards research into Childhood Cancer can be made at in memory of Brendan and all the other children who have succumbed to this disease. Thank you and please pass this message on to others.


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