FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real

Today I received some news from my husband that brought to mind the words of Napoleon Hill. He tells us in his masterpiece "Think and Grow Rich" that "The prevalence of these fears (fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love of someone, old age and death), as a curse to the world, runs in cycles. For almost six years, while the depression was on, we floundered in the cycle of FEAR OF Poverty."

This sprang to mind as I listened to my husband describing the scene down at Goldman Sachs last night. He works for Williams Lea, a British outsourcing agency, and they've already laid off fifteen people with more to come. Yesterday, he found out when he arrived for the graveyard shift, Goldman Sachs laid off over 3,200 people. Why? Because they had a loss this last quarter -- the first loss since 1999! And because of this momentary downswing in their profits they've now left 3,200 people without jobs or hopes of even finding new jobs quickly because other businesses are reacting with the same type of FEAR.

During a Mastermind Session hosted by John Milton Fogg with Michael Losier, he explained FEAR this way: "FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. See, fear is never about the past, it’s always about the future. Fear is always something that hasn’t happened yet. So that means it’s always a story. "

Right now we have lots of false evidence abounding in the news. We're being told that there's no money available, hence the layoffs and other cutbacks. We're being told that unemployment is at an all time high. But the government just gave these businesses BILLIONS of dollars to jump start the economy. The money is out there, we just have to find ways to make sure that our businesses are the ones benefiting from it. We need to understand that the reason that jobs are drying up is because of the company's fear of what might happen so they're performing amputations before they even know if the limbs are a threat. As Mr. Hill mentioned in his book, the Great Depression was caused mainly because people believed that resources were virtually nonexistent and acted accordingly. It sounds crazy, but no crazier than the way companies are reacting right now.

Even as the stock market plunges, there are people out there making a lots of moola. Even during the Depression, there were many people who actually made their fortunes .

So, now it's time to put my faith in ourselves and our business as a way to support our family -- so I'm going to investing in advertising my virtual assistant business more effectively and effectively. I will get my website up and running the way that I know that it should be and stop making excuses for why I haven't completed my goals yet. I will allocate funds to maximize my "attraction" to clients and thus increase my financial bottom line.

Now, it's written down, on the internet, in my notebook and on my wall. So there's nothing to it but to do it, as the saying goes. I encourage everyone to look into their own situation and see the positive aspects rather than being distracted from your goals by the media driven fear machine. And if you don't have your own business yet, now is definitely the time to start one, even if it's just mowing the lawn. The tax benefits surrounding a home-based business (with more than one client if you're thinking about doing the virtual assistant route) will put money back into your wallet.

Stay tuned for tax tips I'm researching for a home-based business tax cheat sheet, so stay tuned!


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