Cool New Book Series


I just got an email about a brand new book series called "When I Grow Up I Want To Be ..." that I thought might be of interest. I have to wait until my husband gets paid ("Thanks Dad!"), but I'm definitely going to get this one. The thing I like about it is that it discusses a variety of jobs (i.e., Firefighter, Veterinarian, Chef, Military, Doctor, Police Officer, Missionary, Artist, Pilot, and Farmer to name a few) from a practical standpoint. They discuss how much money you can make at these professions, the skills you need, the actual day-to-day tasks, etc.

My daughter, Jade, wants to be a Firefighter (well at least for the last year or so) and I think this will be an excellent introduction for her. After we read it I'm going to take her to a firehouse so that she can do a little fact finding of her own!

Anyway, the special pricing only lasts until the end of the month, so you should check it out soon.


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