I Got the Summer Bouquet Bonus! How About You?

Ever since I broke down and got the TOS planner (which I love!) I have intended to get my subscription to their magazine as well. From everything that I've seen from The Old Schoolhouse, the subscription should fill in the gaps for anything that I might have missed while setting up the children's school schedule. Yep, I was going to get that subscription, but it's been three weeks since I made up my mind. Why? Well, life gets in the way. Little things like VBS, getting the children discharged from their cyber-charter school, returning equipment, etcetera and etcetera.

But guess what! I signed up for my subscription tonight and here's why.

As I was getting ready to shut down the computer for the night I was held captive by an email announcing that the first 5,000 subscribers (new or renewals) to the TOS magazine will be eligible for 19 cool bonuses (which include software, books, online resources, family gifts and much more). There are so many extras that TOS had to create an interactive catalog just to show you the "bio" of each of the gifts. And if you're amongst the first 1,000 subscribers you get a special bonus – a Summer Bouquet! Now, being a tiny bit competitive I wanted to make sure that I was amongst the first to get my subscription – I mean, I'm a sucker for free bonuses. And as you know, any time we complete a goal we are rewarded with a sense of contentment – which means I'll have pleasant dreams tonight. J

But wait – what about you? It wouldn't be very fair of me to keep this great deal all to myself. So, I'm letting you know now that you need to have your fingers RUN don't walk over to TOS and get that subscription so that you can be eligible to at least get the first 19 bonuses, if not the last. And remember, don't be stingy – you need to pass this information on to your friends as well.

BTW, I've made it easy for you to get started. Just click the picture or you can click here.


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