Social Media (And You!) Can Help Abused and Abandoned Children

We can help raise money for the abandoned and abused children abroad by doing what we do best -- shopping! (smile) By doing our shopping at Each purchase will provide money for this charity to rescue these children and place them with adoptive families from around the world.

I've included the original information below:

A couple days back we announced that we would soon be sharing with you an opportunity to help with a special charity project. Well, today is the day we would like to start involving our Social Media Science family.

Don't worry, we're not asking you to buy anything from us. In fact, we'd like to give you something AND as you use this gift you will be helping to save the lives of children who desperately need your assistance, all at the same time. Pretty cool, huh?

We've partnered with a company called Dubli and a non-profit organization called to help raise money for abandoned and abused Children abroad. This is really important to us, not just because we have kids ourselves, but we also have good friends who are reaching out to bring these abandoned kids into their own home to live as adoptee parents. Most of these kids are form the Ukraine, have Down syndrome (or worse) and there is a deadline attached to their lives. If they are NOT adopted by a certain age they are assigned to a state mental institution for the rest of their lives with no chance for adoption ever.  So time is of the essence. It's a very cruel system and most kids do not live more than one to three years after this assignment...which is why we (and especially these kids) need your help.

READ THE SPECIAL REPORT: By the way, if you want to read more on this primitive and torturous system we attached a report to our first email and we're attaching it again, just in case you missed it. It's by Rosa Monckton, a New York Times reporter who visited these Ukraine mental institutions and filed here horrific report for here newspaper in February of this year. We know you are all busy, but we all need to be better informed about things like this. Once you read the report you might better understand our urgency.

The report is here:

Here's How You Can Help:

We've created a charity web site with a company that's popular in Europe but just arrived in the US about a year ago. It's an online auction company called Dubli, where you can get the same brand name merchandise sold on, Ebay, and but for up to 60% off?  And, a percentage of each sale (in this case the maximum of 30%) goes towards our Social Media children's charity project called

What's The Catch?

None really.  It's free to register and this new website runs a special system called a Reverse Auction in which the prices actually go DOWN as people participate.  It's a fun new way to shop in these difficult times.

Yes, it sounds a bit farfetched, and at first we didn't believe it either.  But we did our research and it's completely legit. In fact we found that more and more charities are using DubLi for their fund raising efforts.

To participate in the DubLi reverse auction and view the latest price, you simply use one credit. Each credit is worth .80 cents. People who use DubLi purchase these credits for this price every day. So, each time you or other participants use a credit to check the price, the price goes down. You can pull the trigger and order at any time during the process, but the price may keep going down unless someone else jumps in and buys.

The good news is...We're going to give you 2 free credits just to try it out.  We purchased these credits so we could give them to you as our way of giving back and to help get more people involved in this worthy cause.

IMPORTANT: We only have 650 credits total and we will be giving 2 each to the first 325 people who register. To register for free and receive your free credits, be one of the first 325, to go to the site below and register:

After you register, we'll send you a video that explains how to use the DubLi auction system.  Before you go to register first stop and take a look at some of the recent bargains other have secured through this shopping/auction portal: Just look below:


Harley Davidson Easy rider
Value: $25,000.00
Sold for: $4,700.50 Gift Card
Value: $350.00
Sold for: $42.75

Visa $500 Gift Card
Value: $500.00
Sold for: $85.25

Apple Imac 24 inch Computer
Value: $1424.00
Sold for: $3.00  yes, 3 Dollars....:-)
Blackberry Curve
Value: $460.00
Sold for: $83.00

Check it out for yourself, register free at:

Best Regards,

Charles Heflin and Thomas Rozof
Social Media Science, LLC

P.S. When registering at, you can purchase as little as $8 worth of credits. Also, check out the Tell A Friend feature at the top right after logging in. Ever credit you purchase helps us save the lives of vulnerable children. Thanks in advance for your help.


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