The Do Not Call List

I was received my daily dose of Kim Klaver ( and was very intrigued by an article regarding companies having to pay fines for violating the Do Not Call List. I'm personally on the state Do Not Call List, as well as the federal list, but still they call. So I was a tad bit bemused and befuddled by the article.

Bemused: I am of the opinion that if you put your phone number on a survey, raffle, etc. you have to be ready to receive telephone calls from marketer. I mean, when you go to trade shows, the purpose of the show is to drum up revenue. So, why be angry when they give you a call. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but then again McDonald's did have to pay money to a man who spilled hot coffee on himself so ...

Befuddled: I'm seriously confused since all of these people put their information out there for all to see and still get the company into trouble when they call them. Now, the reason that I'm confused is because I have been harassed by Dish Network affiliates for over a year and a half. Each time these yo-yos call I go to the FTC website to submit a complaint. And they still call! I have even written to DISH Network to tell them about the harassing calls, to no avail. I am sure that I'm not the only one who DISH is aggravating, so why wasn't their name on that list?

If anyone has any suggestions on how to get DISH fined and stop calling me twice a day, please let me know. For some reason, the FTC doesn't seem to read their email so that they can catch the real violators of the Do Not Call List.


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