Judging Others

A few years ago I joined Shaklee's as a way to make money, but the timing wasn't right and I really wasn't interested in marketing the products. I was very interested, however, in consuming their chocolate soy shake which helped me lose a lot of the post-pregnancy weight I'd put on after the birth of my daughter. Anyway, my sponsor's daughter, Lori (http://www.shaklee.net/lorirussel) still keeps me in the loop and shares "food for thought" articles. I found this one to be quite thought-provoking and thought that I might share it with you.

Winner's Circle Network with Lou Tice - 11/2/07 - "Judging Others"

Have you heard it said, that the things you see and dislike in others are
things you probably dislike about yourself? When you see things about other
people that you don't like, can it teach you anything about yourself?

For instance, if you look at someone and think,"He is angry, and I don't like
that," could it be that you don't like it when you, yourself are angry?If you
look at someone and say, "She is really scared. Why doesn't she just do
it?" could it be there is something you are scared about, something you wish you
could "just do?"

Suppose you disapprove of smoking and don't smoke yourself. You wonder
howthat could be about you. Well, ask yourself, "Why do I disapprove of
smoking?" Perhaps it is because smoking is unhealthy. If you look within
yourself, you may find that you too, do things that are unhealthy whichtrouble
you. Or, you may disapprove because you consider smoking inconsiderate, and
there are ways that you too, are inconsiderate.

You see, when we judge others, if we look within we usually find a
similar judgment about ourselves. Now, judgments rarely do any good, but once
you understand what you are really doing, you can, if you choose, decide
to stop. So, pay attention next time you disapprove of someone else, and see
what you can learn about yourself.

Lou Tice --The Pacific Institute -- http://www.thepacificinstitute.com/

"TPI teaches people how to manage change, set and achieve goals, lead
more effectively, and think in ways that create success"

Do you think he's right?


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