Don't you hate when your kids get sick?

You know, I hate when my kids get sick. It's not just because it's yucky and I don't get any sleep for a week. It's mainly because I get tired of people asking me why my children are sick. One day I think I'll create a diagram of the infection. It'll go something like this:

J, A and M were sitting in McDonald's playroom (they have a really great one in Stroudsburg). Unknown child 1 wiped her nose with her hand before climbing onto the sliding board while grasping the handholds. Unknown child 2 sneezed without covering his face and the spray took in a radius of up to three feet in 180 degree spread. Unfortunately, my children were caught in the spray. A rubbed her eyes and infected herself that way. J breathed in the flying germs while laughing at her sister's antics. And M got it from his two sisters.

I mean, how the heck does anyone get sick? Uh, they are around sick people and, duh, get infected. That's why we all still suffer from the common cold -- it's such a friendly little group of viruses and germs, don't you think. I basically didn't go to school until 1st grade, because I was sick most of kindergarten. Darn those germs, they can't tell a brick and mortar kid from a homeschooled one.

But I know the real reason that they ask me this question. It's because my kids are educated at home. What does that have to do with the spread of germs. Well, everyone knows that homeschooled children aren't allowed to see the sun or interact with any humans outside of their parents and siblings. And we never, ever let them go outside because the boogey man might get them.

Frankly, my hats are off to the parent's of public school children. I mean, now that J's older we spend most of the time driving to her many classes and still doing her daily schoolwork. Where do the working parents (and children) get the energy to do this after a long day of work/school? So, if there's a secret energy pill out there, please let me know. Actually, I did find something that I really liked and was a natural way to get revived. It's called Zoji juice. I must remember to put that back on my internet shopping list. It's an acquired taste, but definitely helps to get through the afternoons when my batteries get a bit low.

Well, enough of my venting. I'd better go to sleep now. The kids are almost 100% healthy again, so it's almost time for me to get sick. Moms aren't allowed to get sick until everyone else is well, don't you know. And remember to keep a playbook ready so that you'll be able to answer the question, "how did your children get sick?"


Jody said…
LOL don't you know us homeschool parents lock our kids up in the basement and force them to do school work all day long?! Now how would they get sick when they aren't allowed to even look at let alone socialize with anyone but family LOL. Sorry I had to say it. I know what you mean though. I think they should call it something other than homeschooling becasue how often are we actually home? LOL.
Jody, you keep your kids in the basement? Mine swing from the rafters in the attic. LOL! And you are 125% right -- most of the moms I know wish that they could stay home once in a blue moon. Tomorrow I'll be running from 9:00 a.m. until about 4 p.m. with math, spelling and a few other car-school friendly subjects. ;-)
newxtraname said…
Hahah...try Zantrex's Energy wonders for me.

Or, yeah, keep your kids in the basement. hehe

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