Cabin Fever

My kids and I have been cooped up in the house (with the exception of driving my husband to the bus stop and back) for almost two weeks and I can't wait until we can resume our normal lives again. We were all sick and then my oldest daughter came down with a rash that looked like the measles. It turns out that it was 5th disease (which is a cousin to the measles). So, since I don't like to make other people sick, my husband and I decided that it was best to do the quarantine period. So now I'm losing my mind.

This morning my daughter announces that she isn't going to eat because she wants to starve and go live with God. I explained to her that God gave us stewardship over our bodies and we're supposed to take the best care that we can, so I didn't think he'd let her visit him if she hurt her body. Then she tells me that she can't be in our family because she's not talented. After that didn't elicit enough sympathy (I guess), that she wanted to go to an orphanage to wait for another family to adopt her. So after about 45 minutes of crying she decided that she was just having a bad day. So, you can imagine that I'm really looking forward to her version of PMS since she has drama in her blood. (By the way, she not only ate her breakfast, she chased that down with a Gogurt, 2 slices of pizza, 2 bowls of spaghetti and some other snacks. I guess that she decided eating wasn't a bad thing). :-)

I think it's really a case of being cooped up too long in one place. Her sister, Alaya, was wonderfully supportive of Jade's madness and entertained herself most of the morning. Right now she's working on her first needlepoint project. She's doing very well, especially considering that she's only 4. This afternoon I had Jade do her craft project and threw in some homework for good measure. My son needs a rubber room to bounce around in, but in lieu of that we spent the day making sure that he makes it to 14 months. He's decided that he likes the telephone and can't wait to say "hi" to whomever is on the telephone. Unfortunately, he likes to hang up on the people to whom he is speaking.

It's hilarious that people think that homeschoolers sit in the house all day -- we can't wait to get back to the running around that normally encompasses our lives. If I had to stay inside all day, every day with these people someone would be carting me away as I sing the theme song from Sailor Moon!


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