The Challenges of Blogging

You know, I started blogging as a way to express my thoughts, keep my sanity and have a little fun. But sometimes, blogging seems to be the last thing that I'm able to do. I was really proud of my little musings that I was putting up on a daily basis. Then the plague(s) came to visit and I rarely have a free moment to think, let alone write!

But, just as with homeschooling, sometimes we make things entirely more complicated than it needs to be. Last night, I realized that blogging isn't my job, it's my hobby. And with all hobbies, sometimes you have more time for it than others. So, I'm giving myself a break and not breaking out into apologies for not posting regularly, as was my original intention. Instead I'm congratulating myself on retaining the few brain cells that are left in order to write this. One day everyone will be healthy again and I can really enjoy blogging.

And I hope that you avoid the repeated colds that my family seems to be suffering through this fall. And at the rate these colds have been attacking us, maybe someone will find a way to plug into my head to get my "phantom" blogs posted online. Now, that would be cool!


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