The Children's Choir was a Hit!

Despite my family's bout with sicknesses this past month, my daughter recovered enough to be able to participate in her first Children's Choir. The kids did a stupendous job and got a standing ovation for their two performances. The choir is made up of children seven years to twelve years of age. A couple of the "old" children (you know 13-15 year olds) helped out by playing their instruments and being a part of the drama re-enactment.

I was really happy for Jade because, although she was initially nervous, the love and applause that she received as part of this group had her walking a bit taller and showing a bit more confidence in her abilities. She learned what being part of a team was and the responsibility that it entailed. A few times (post illness) she tried to wiggle out of going to rehearsal, but (being the mean mommy) she went anyway. She made a few friends on her own and told me to sign her up for the next one!

I also envy her because I would have loved being in a children's choir. My religious background didn't have choirs or anything, so I was just out of luck. But maybe when Michael gets a little bit older and more comfortable with other people, I'll see about signing up for the adult choir. In the meantime, I have volunteered my services to the Children's Ministry group so that'll be a great stepping stone for me as I acclimate to this totally new religous environment. I love the spirit of the church and the people are really great and I'm so glad that I'm there.

Now, back to Jade. Jade instructed her sister on the basic operation of the choir and wants me to sign her up too. Since Alaya is only four years old, that's not going to happen right now. Actually, although she wasn't in the official choir, the preschoolers up to kindergarten did get to sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and participate in "Jesus -- What a Wonderful Child". Alaya looked lovely, but she wasn't prepared to have all those eyes looking at her. (She's going through her shy phase right now). So, I guess they were unofficial members of the group.

It's getting late, so Proud Momma signing off.


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