My Business Partners are Awesome ...

... and very cute too!

One thing that I like about working from home is that my very able husband is able to step in and help out when things get crazy for me. This past week I've been sick with a very stubborn cold. Speaking was very difficult because of my sore throat, so Super Partner jumped in and made my research phone calls for me while I worked on getting better.

My girls (junior business partners) kept their little brother occupied so that I could rest while their daddy made the phone calls. And keeping Michael busy can be quite a challenge. But they met it solidly and quite creatively. I bet you didn't know that pillows can make wonderful stair sleds. I know I didn't until I saw it for myself. :-)

Of all the place that I've worked before, I've never had such a supportive group of "co-workers" as I find in my own family. I just wanted to share my good fortune with the rest of you. Just another perk about working from home.


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