Traditional Homeschooling Here We Come

Well I've gone and finally done it. After two years of fighting with myself over the cyberschool issue, I'm now free! Free from artificial deadlines, stress and other things that have just made homeschooling no fun.

So now I'm enjoying the process of finding materials to use with my girls for next year. So far I've invested in Math Mammoth, some board games (Kismet/Spill & Spell, Predicting Outcomes, Geography games, etc.) I'm going to use Susan Wise's history series "The Story of the World". The only thing I'm lacking (so far) is science, but I guess I'll figure that out along the way. I'm actually thinking of teaching cooking as a science course. I have this book that I picked up called "The Art, Techniques, and Science of Good Cooking -- The New Making of a Cook" by Madeline Kamman.

Since my family enjoys following the Bible in One Year program, so we'll continue doing that. The kids like drawing pictures about the points that stand out for them in the reading. And drawing keeps Michael quiet for about 10 minutes ... on a good day, anyway (lol!). And that counts towards art. We'll be doing creative writing, pen pals, blogging and other things to strengthen their writing skills. I like the Art of Eloquence programs (especially FIMM!) so that coupled with the many homeschool freebies available should have us well-rounded.

If anyone has any suggestions on curriculum, please let me know. And I'll be sharing my opinion and experiences about cyberschooling with you all (once I have a free moment to write it!) Until then Happy Homeschooling!

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