Oh! Mamapedia

You know, we moms are a resourceful bunch. As I'm doing research for my website, I keep running into more and more women who are changing the face of mompreneurs everywhere. With the advent of Twitter, Facebook and other forms of social media we are breaking new ground and inspiring other moms to use their natural assets to help bring money into the house while taking care of our families. Yeah!

One of these "mom-driven" resources is a search engine called Mamapedia. It's made for moms created by moms. It was created two years ago as a compilation of parenting questions that they gleaned from local and online Mamasources. These intrepid women indexed their questions and made the answers available in the form of a search engine. And best of all, a free Mamapedia membership allows you to not only post your most puzzling parenting questions, but to respond to other moms' questions as well!

I think this is a great feature because the question database will only get more comprehensive as each mom adds their two cents to things such as picky eaters, potty training, juggling work and home life, are love notes given in 2nd grade a cause for concern? and a bunch more. So, if you've ever had a parenting question or learned a great lesson that other moms could benefit from, you really need to visit Mamapedia today!


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