Chapter 2 – Just When You Thought It Was Safe …


Well, if I ever had a doubt in my mind that I should continue doing the mental cleanse, Chapter 2 totally dispelled my self-delusion. I remembered the stories of Mr. Barnes, Mr. Fields and Mr. Ford without the loss of the details involved. I definitely remember the facts about their successes and struggles. What I forgot to remember (and since this is the entire point of reading the chapter) were the six steps to MY roadmap to success. Now isn't that just crazy?

So, for the entire world to see (and remind me!), I am outlining the six points that are the key to my family's success.

  1. I want to generate $120,000 each year
  2. I intend to help people to achieve their goals through education and to provide assistance
  3. I want to the $120,000 by February 2009
  4. I need to write a daily To Do List and working out a schedule that will allow me to work my business on a consistent basis. I cannot afford to allow other pressures to stop me from doing taking at least one step a day towards financial independence.
  5. I will make at least one YouTube video per week advertising my skills, knowledge and experiences as a network marketer. I will add at least one lens to my Squidoo page. I will add one blog per week to Blogger. I will continue to network with the homeschooling community to make contacts and create a customer base. These actions will create the $120,000/yr that will in turn allow me to help other Stay-At-Home-Moms (SAHMs) to continue to make their family their first priority. This will give me the time to educate and live the lifestyle that I know we deserve.
  6. I will read the statement that I just composed at least two times a day so that I can train my subconscious mind to accept my newest instructions and get to work.

And I am also going to make a nice PowerPoint slide of the following poem for my focus wall to help me to remember that my goal is bigger than a paycheck – it's a vision for a lifestyle.


"I bargained with Life for a penny,

And Life would pay no more,

However I begged at evening

When I counted my scanty store.

"For Life is just an employer,

He gives you what you ask,

But once you have set the wages,

Why, you must bear the task.

"I worked for a menial's hire,

Only to learn, dismayed,

That any wage I had asked of Life,

Life would have willingly paid."


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