The musings (and ravings) of a homeschooling mom who also works from home. My focus will be on educational products, curriculum reviews and tips I'm learning as I return to traditional homeschooling
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Cheryl Henderson
A beautiful reminder of the importance of acknowledging those important people in our lives.
As some of you know, I am returning to my traditional homeschooling roots this year. I did my experimentation into cyberschooling and found it lacking. But I also live in PA, one of the high documentation homeschooling states (also known as "Big PA in in the neck states") so I've been wondering how I was going to pull a curriculum together to present to the Lords of Education so they'll go away. So, once we made our decision to get away from cyberschools I began looking at different curriculum. I have been looking at complete year curriculum as well as a more eclectic collection of resources. But now I don't have to look any further because I just discovered The Old Schoolhouse 2009-2010 Planner ! First off, let me confess that I have not been the most organized homeschooler. I've purchased programs to keep records on the girls work, I've set up schedules (that I then proceeded to ignore after about a week), and changed my mind a couple of times during the...
Although I always did well academically in school, I had few aspirations of attending college. Being part of the "Witness Protection Program" as my husband jokingly refers to the religion that I grew up in, higher education was frowned upon. It was even implied that those who chose to pursue a college education were "spiritually weak" and need to be helped. If you knew the hierarchy as I do, you'd understand that anyone who is taught to think logically would be a threat to their absolute power, and so much be thwarted at every turn. Now, back to the topic at hand -- the true purpose of education. Although I didn't attend college, most people assumed I had some college background. This used to punish me until an older person told me that all college taught them how to do was research to find the answers they sought. And that's when I knew why people always assumed I was "properly" schooled – I'm intellectually curious and once I am int...
You know, I hate when my kids get sick. It's not just because it's yucky and I don't get any sleep for a week. It's mainly because I get tired of people asking me why my children are sick. One day I think I'll create a diagram of the infection. It'll go something like this: J, A and M were sitting in McDonald's playroom (they have a really great one in Stroudsburg). Unknown child 1 wiped her nose with her hand before climbing onto the sliding board while grasping the handholds. Unknown child 2 sneezed without covering his face and the spray took in a radius of up to three feet in 180 degree spread. Unfortunately, my children were caught in the spray. A rubbed her eyes and infected herself that way. J breathed in the flying germs while laughing at her sister's antics. And M got it from his two sisters. I mean, how the heck does anyone get sick? Uh, they are around sick people and, duh, get infected. That's why we all still suffer from the common cold ...