Chapter 1 – It’s the Thought That Counts

Well, this is my second trip through the book, and to be honest, I was thinking about not reviewing the book again.  Life's gotten really crazy and that just seemed to be just one more thing that has to get done.  And now I'm glad that I didn't listen to myself.  The lack of follow through would indicate that my Desire to attain my rightful place in the world is weak and subject to deflection whenever life gets in the way.  The lack of persistence would spell my doom as I allowed myself to be sidetracked by everyone else's drama and problems to once again squeeze out what I'm trying to attain.  That would indicate that I had a lack of a Definite Purpose and was just a leaf being blown from one great idea to another.  And it would mean that I am willing to throw away my future riches for a few coins today.

And so, I am here and ready to review what I think I know and learn more about what I need to know to make my dreams come to fruition. The thoughts I allow to enter my mind and that I freely entertain are the ones that will either launch me to success or drag me down into the pit.  I want to be a free-flying spirit not one mired in "would have", "could of" and "should of" regrets.  I no longer want to be trapped in a box of my own making.  I want to achieve the big goals and stop fixating on the small gains that I get through an employee type mentality. 

Edwin C. Barnes demonstrated that it is our thoughts that liberate us from the bondage of poverty.  He also showed a perseverance to attain his goal even if the road isn't a straight-forward path.  My thoughts need to be focused on gathering e-book downloads and gaining a professional skill set for my chosen profession and let the chaff fall where it may. I won't leave my gold mine buried under three feet of other people's minutiae any longer.

I will think and grow rich, even if it kills me.



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