Chapter 13 – The Brain

Our brains are amazing. It controls our every movement, contains our every thought and has a sub-system called the subconscious, that works while we sleep. Our brain also acts as a receiver for our senses – it records everything that we see, touch, hear, feel or smell. And it takes these sensations and files them away for later use. How many times has a stray scent reminded us of a person or an event in our lives? And the higher the emotional content of these memories, the easier it is to recall the event, and sometimes even re-live it.

Emotion is one of the biggest factors in our lives. Negative emotions (i.e., bad thoughts, low self-esteem, or traumatic occurrences in our lives) will stop us from achieving, or even aspiring to the level of excellence that we all have within us. Being around negative people and situations drag us down and will swallow us up if we don't actively work at getting away from them. On the other hand, positive emotions will stir us to reach towards the stars and to believe in ourselves and our abilities. But our emotions do more than that. They actually seek out and capture the dominant emotion of our lives. So, if we are in a negative state of mind, our brain will actually attract the negative thoughts of others and send it to our subconscious mind, which as we've learned will then turn it into reality. But, mixing emotion and positive thoughts will bring us more positive thoughts and results in our lives.

It's really important to keep our receptors tuned into the positive thoughts of the universe. Many times over the course of my life, my niece, has admonished me to stay away from certain people. I never really appreciated what she was saying until I actually did stay away from them. Some of these people are in my immediate biological family, so it was hard for me to practice what she suggested, but when I did wonderful things began to happen in my life. These toxic people were saturating me with negative thoughts and images. I, however, didn't think that I was paying any attention to what they said to me, but my subconscious was definitely listening. I suffered from many stress-related illnesses when I was in daily contact with these folks. However, I didn't make the correlation between those I was associating with and my health situation. Once I got away from them, I was no longer sick. I have mitral valve prolapsed, which is a minor heart (really valve) problem, but when I was around the "Witness Protection" people I was very symptomatic and sometimes had difficulty functioning. I was taking Zantac for ulcers and a whole host of other things. And I was in my early 20s! And the minute I made up my mind to "escape", not a whimper from the heart valve, I can eat whatever I like without stomach pains and the list goes on and on.

People, especially those in the Western world, are very reluctant to acknowledge that there are things we don't understand about the universe at large. The brain has been scanned, mapped and examined and one thing remains true – regardless of what we learn about this marvelous organ, there's still so much more that we don't understand. And since we use such a small portion of our brain in our lifetime, we should not be surprised that for those sensitive few, the brain allows them to do marvelous things such as telepathy or clairvoyance. I think we are so skeptical because many of us have been raised to believe that anything that smacks of supernatural origins is demonic or evil. And because of this prejudice, we limit ourselves from fully experiencing what God has programmed within us. When people hear the word clairvoyance, they think of people with crystal balls. I think clairvoyance is our mind's early warning system. How many times have people stated that they were on their way someplace and something from within told them to change their route or stay at home, and later they find out that there was a fire or some other problem at their destination? Why have there been instances of twins knowing when their other half has been hurt or is in trouble? Their brains are "tuned" into whatever frequency there is that gives us a heads up about situations.

The brain is an awe-inspiring organ. It should never be taken for granted, misused or abused by negativity or negative people. We each need to feed our brains on positive information and discuss things that are upbuilding and thought-provoking. As you, Michael, have said in the past, successful people don't waste time talking about people. They spend their time discussing ideas. Thanks to Mr. Hill for giving me so many ideas to think about. J


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