The Children's Choir was a Hit!
Despite my family's bout with sicknesses this past month, my daughter recovered enough to be able to participate in her first Children's Choir. The kids did a stupendous job and got a standing ovation for their two performances. The choir is made up of children seven years to twelve years of age. A couple of the "old" children (you know 13-15 year olds) helped out by playing their instruments and being a part of the drama re-enactment. I was really happy for Jade because, although she was initially nervous, the love and applause that she received as part of this group had her walking a bit taller and showing a bit more confidence in her abilities. She learned what being part of a team was and the responsibility that it entailed. A few times (post illness) she tried to wiggle out of going to rehearsal, but (being the mean mommy) she went anyway. She made a few friends on her own and told me to sign her up for the next one! I also envy her because I would have lo...